Visual Tour of Senegal with a Café Touba in my Hands

To Carolina, Matheus, Sasha, Tomoka, Ilyana, Yassine, Ryoto and Takesawa.

ありがと ございま

I am told that I smell of nostalgia even five months after spending one of the most vibrant experiences of my life to date in Dakar. It may be true, and also very noticeable especially when I look through my gallery of pictures, at my friends’ smiles, and when I think of Tchaba’s Thieboudienne, and to the feeling of a cold ginger juice going down my throat in a 35° temperature.

The flashy colors of Dakar, the kindness of the people (even when you end up paying twice the price), the children calling my friends ‘toubabs’, the shawarma filled with fries, the empty Mermoz bar that everyone enjoyed but me, had all translated into a bank of delightful moments which I have attempted to capture.

The beauty which I engage with, that of Senegal, was experienced through the people I was surrounded by. While my camera had been a witness of all that which I have seen, my people offered me new perspectives on landscape, life and purpose.

— PART I —

Children of the Water.  Ile de Gorée, November 2017


The Goats and Us. Saint Louis, December 2017 

Matheus. The Catcher in the Rye. Saint Louis, December 2017 

Watch me do it. Dakar, October 2017 

From up the hill. Dakar, October 2017 

 The Guardian of all. Dakar, October 2017 

 The Palm is Gone. Dakar, November  2017  

— Part II —

Café Touba. Dakar, October 2017 

 Substitute of Touba. Dakar, October 2017 

Watch over me. Dakar, October 2017 

 Wooden sun. Dakar, December 2017 

 The Sleeping Tree – Dakar, October 2017 

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